Best Posture for Archery

Best Posture for Archery

Best Posture for Archery


Welcome to our guide on achieving the best posture for archery. In the world of archery, where precision and consistency are paramount, mastering the art of proper posture is more than just a matter of form – it’s a crucial component of success.

Whether you’re a seasoned archer honing your skills or a beginner eager to learn, understanding the intricate interplay between your lumbar spine’s positioning and abdominal bracing is key to unlocking your full potential.

In this article, we’ll look into the fundamentals of spinal alignment and the importance of abdominal bracing. By maintaining a neutral spine and engaging the core muscles effectively, you’ll not only enhance your accuracy but also safeguard yourself against potential injuries. 

Whether your sights are set on the bullseye or you find yourself perched in a tree stand, adopting the right posture isn’t just about improving your performance – it’s about ensuring your safety in every shot you take.

Let’s start the  journey to better archery posture!

Understanding Spinal Positioning

By understanding the importance of lumbar spine positioning in archery and practicing proper alignment techniques, archers can improve their stability, accuracy, and overall performance while reducing the risk of injury.

1. Natural Position of the Spine

The spine is built for providing the framework for our body and protecting the spinal cord. The natural curve of the lumbar spine, also known as lordosis, refers to the inward curvature of the lower back. 

The lumbar spine is connected to our pelvis through the sacrum, known to some as the tailbone. Movements at this level of the spine consist primarily of flexion and extension. Tightness or excessive positioning in any one direction can impede our success with archery. 

Maintaining the natural curve of the lumbar spine is crucial for stability and power generation. When the spine is in its neutral position, the muscles surrounding it are optimally engaged, allowing for better control and accuracy in shooting.

2. Hyperextension of the Lumbar Spine

Hyperextension in the lumbar spine occurs when the lower back arches excessively, causing the pelvis to tilt forward and the spine to deviate from its natural curvature. 

This positioning leads to increased strain and tension on the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine, increasing the risk of injury. Furthermore, hyperextension of the lumbar spine can compromise stability and accuracy, as the body’s alignment becomes compromised. 

Hyperextension, or an anteriorly tilted pelvis, can also cause symptoms of lumbar stenosis, such as radiating pain into the legs while standing. If you’re experiencing back or leg pain while shooting a bow, then it may be a good idea to assess the positioning of your lumbar spine.

Hyperextended Spine

in this photo, i am demonstrating excessive

lumbar extension, or hyperextension, which leads

to an anteriorly rotated pelvis with

poor abdominal bracing.

3. Maintain a Neutral Spine while Shooting

Maintaining a neutral spine during archery is achieved by:

1. Identifying abnormal positioning,

2. Understanding how to perform an anterior and posterior pelvic tilt to find your neutral position,

3. Performing abdominal bracing exercises while maintaining a neutral pelvis, and lastly

4. Shooting while bracing and maintaining a neutral pelvis. 

Neutral Spine

The best piece of advice I have for archers is to film their shooting form and technique in order to identify whether or not their spine is in an abnormal position. 

Abdominal bracing, pelvic tilts, and postural awareness can help improve the alignment and positioning of the lumbar spine while shooting a bow and arrow. 

A neutral spine ensures proper alignment of the body, allowing for efficient transfer of energy from the lower body to the upper body during the shooting process.

To achieve and maintain a neutral spine in archery, archers should focus on:  

    • Aligning the hips, shoulders, and head in a straight line.
    • Engaging the core muscles to support the lower back.
    • Avoiding excessive arching or rounding of the lower back during shooting.

Abdominal Bracing Techniques

By mastering abdominal bracing techniques and incorporating them into your archery practice, you can enhance your stability, accuracy, and overall performance while minimizing the risk of injury. 

Sometimes you may have to take a step back and practice the abdominal bracing techniques while laying on the floor. Once you understand this movement then you can do this while standing and, finally, while shooting your bow and arrow.

Remember to focus on maintaining proper bracing throughout the shooting process to maximize the benefits of this technique.

What is Abdominal Bracing?

Abdominal bracing is a technique used to stabilize the spine by engaging the deep core muscles of the abdomen. Muscles involved in abdominal bracing can include the diaphragm, pelvic floor, transverse abdominis, and multifidus muscles.

Performing these correct abdominal bracing techniques during archery can maximize accuracy by reducing pin float and reduce the risk of injury. 

AVOID these while performing abdominal bracing: 

    • Holding your breath,
    • Sucking in,
    • Rounding your back,
    • Overstraining.

Engage the Core Muscles for Abdominal Bracing

To engage the core muscles effectively for proper bracing in archery, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart as if you were shooting a bow. Take a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale out of your mouth and draw your belly button towards your spine, activating the muscles of your abdomen. Just when you feel that you are out of air, exhale a little more. This will activate all of those deep core muscles.

You can also do this while laying on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. I recommend starting in this position if you have a hard time feeling that deep core activation while standing. 

I cue a lot of my clients to feel as if they’re pulling their lower ribs down towards their belt buckle as they exhale. Once you get this feeling, then you can apply this during target practice, and eventually in-the-moment next event or hunt.

This banded deadbug exercise in the video below is a great anti-extension exercise for archers. 

Maintaining Abdominal Bracing throughout the Shooting Process

Maintaining abdominal bracing throughout the shooting process is essential for consistent performance and injury prevention in archery. As you draw the bowstring, continue to engage your core muscles to stabilize your spine and maintain proper alignment.

Once you master the abdominal bracing technique – you will likely have to practice holding this position while performing slow and controlled breathing, as if you were shooting a bow.

Avoid holding your breath while shooting. Doing so can lead to increased tension in your body, which may cause excessive pin float and reduce accuracy.

Keep your abdominal muscles activated as you release the arrow and follow through with your shot. This consistent bracing helps to transfer power efficiently from your lower body to your upper body, resulting in improved accuracy and reduced strain on your spine.

Does Posture Affect Archery Accuracy?

By focusing on proper spinal positioning and engaging your core muscles through abdominal bracing, you can significantly enhance your accuracy and consistency in archery. These foundational elements provide the stability and control necessary for precise aiming and successful shooting, ultimately improving your performance on the archery range or in the field.

Improved Accuracy with Neutral Spine

Proper spinal positioning and abdominal bracing play a crucial role in enhancing accuracy in archery. When your spine is in a neutral position and your core muscles are engaged through abdominal bracing, your body forms a stable and balanced foundation for shooting.

This stability minimizes unnecessary movement and sway, allowing you to maintain a consistent and controlled shooting posture. As a result, your aim becomes more precise, and your shots are more likely to hit the target consistently.

Better Aiming and Consistency

A stable spine is essential for maintaining consistent aim and shooting accuracy in archery. When your spine is properly aligned and supported by engaged core muscles, your upper body remains steady throughout the shooting process.

This steadiness reduces the potential for erratic movements or shifts in aim, resulting in improved consistency in your shooting technique. With a stable spine, you can maintain a consistent anchor point and release, leading to more predictable arrow flight and better overall accuracy in hitting your target.

Managing Injury Risk While Shooting a Bow

Abnormal spinal positioning, poor abdominal bracing, and the repetitive nature of shooting a bow can eventually lead to aches and pains. As with any sport, it’s important to focus on proper form and technique to reduce the risk of injury. 

Although many of us consider archery as a hobby, it is important to practice appropriate form and technique, as well as training our bodies to handle the stresses of shooting a bow and arrow.

Hyperextension Injuries of the Lumbar Spine

Poor posture in archery, particularly hyperextension in the lumbar spine, can lead to various injuries. Common injuries include strains and sprains in the lower back, as well as discomfort and stiffness due to overexertion of the spine muscles. 

Hyperextension increases the pressure on the spinal discs and surrounding tissues, making archers susceptible to chronic back pain and injuries over time. Nerve irritation, muscle strains, and muscle spasms are a few injuries that I see in archers.

Decrease Injury Risk with Abdominal Bracing

Maintaining proper posture and engaging in abdominal bracing can significantly reduce the risk of injuries associated with poor posture in archery.

By keeping the spine in a neutral position and supporting it with engaged core muscles, archers distribute the load evenly across the spine, reducing strain on specific areas such as the lumbar spine.

This promotes better spinal alignment and minimizes the risk of hyperextension-related injuries.

Tips for Preventing Overuse Injuries in Archery

Preventing overuse injuries in archery involves practicing proper technique and implementing preventive measures. Archers should focus on maintaining a balanced training regimen that includes strength training and flexibility exercises to support their archery practice. 

Additionally, incorporating rest days into their training schedule allows for adequate recovery and prevents overuse of specific muscle groups. It’s also essential to listen to your body and address any discomfort or pain promptly to prevent the development of chronic injuries.



In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the essential aspects of achieving the best posture for archery. We’ve discussed the importance of proper lumbar spinal positioning and proper abdominal bracing to enhance accuracy, prevent injuries, and ensure safety, especially in challenging scenarios like shooting from a tree stand.

By prioritizing lumbar spinal alignment and core stability through abdominal bracing, archers can significantly improve their accuracy and reduce the risk of common injuries associated with poor posture in archery. 

It’s important to remember that practicing and maintaining proper posture is not just about form – it’s a crucial component of archery success. By incorporating the techniques and tips shared in this article into your archery practice, you can elevate your performance and ensure your safety on the archery range or in the field.

So, whether you’re a seasoned archer honing your skills or a beginner eager to learn, remember to focus on spinal positioning, engage in abdominal bracing, and implement the tips provided for improved performance and safety in your archery practice. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of archery with proper posture.

Stay moving!

About the Author

About the Author

Taylor Kuhlmann, PT, DPT, CSCS

Taylor Kuhlmann is a licensed physical therapist in Kansas and a certified strength and conditioning specialist accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

As the founder of High Caliber Health, Taylor has a passion for guiding hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, focusing on enhancing their overall health and wellness to enable them to experience the outdoors with reduced pain and enhanced performance.

Why Does My Neck Hurt After Archery?

Why Does My Neck Hurt After Archery?

Why Does My Neck Hurt After Archery?


Neck pain after archery can be caused by various reasons and, more often than not, can be an easy fix. 

Neck pain from muscle tightness after archery is commonly described as a deep, dull and achy sensation. These individuals often report muscle tightness or knots along the upper neck and shoulder, or just inside the shoulder blade, after shooting a high volume of arrows. 

Headaches that originate at the base of the skull and neck stiffness can be secondary to muscle tightness in the neck.

In this article I highlight a few stretches that can alleviate neck muscle tightness.

In more severe cases, neck pain can radiate into the shoulder and/or cause numbness and tingling into the shoulder and arm. This pain can be a little more tricky to tackle but is definitely something that can improve with targeted exercise and specific stretches. 

In this blog post I will identify the primary reasons that cause neck pain after archery AND recommend products that can help alleviate neck pain!

Top 7 Causes of Neck Pain After Archery

Neck pain after archery can arise from various factors. If left untreated, the ongoing stress on these areas can intensify, potentially impairing your ability to shoot a bow. 

Working regular strength and mobility exercises into a daily routine can help reduce the risk of developing neck pain after archery. Filming and analyzing draw technique can also help identify any flaws that may contribute to increased pain.

I have created other blog posts that include exercises and stretches to help reduce neck pain after archery, which you may find helpful. 

For now, let’s take a look at the top 7 causes of neck pain after archery.

1. Upper Trap Muscle Tightness

Drawing a bow with bad archery form can lead to elevated shoulders, causing tightness and increased stress along the upper trapezius muscle. Muscle tightness or knots can be felt by placing the hand on top of the shoulder and squeezing the muscle. If your upper trap is tight, this squeezing can reproduce your symptoms and be quite uncomfortable. 

The upper trapezius muscle starts at the base of the skull and attaches to the tip of the shoulder blade. The muscle is responsible for elevating and upwardly rotating the shoulder blade, as well as tilting the head and neck to the side. Upper trap muscle tightness can cause cervicogenic headaches, neck pain, or shoulder pain in archers. 

It is important to take a step back and evaluate body positions throughout normal daily life, especially with work-related tasks. Individuals with jobs that require sitting at a computer desk, talking on the phone, or manual labor jobs that require repetitive use of the arms can develop upper trap muscle tightness. 

Making a few modifications with normal daily tasks, like improving work space ergonomics, can certainly reduce the risk of developing neck pain and upper trap muscle tightness after archery.

2. Head Tilt at Full Draw

The angle of your head in relation to the bowstring while at full draw can impact your neck. Tilting the head sideways to find the peep with every consecutive shot is typically secondary to inadequate draw length. This abnormal positioning of the neck increases the stress to muscles, intervertebral discs, and nerves of the cervical spine.

During archery, a right lateral head tilt is combined with neck rotation in the opposite direction while aiming at the target. This repetitive motion of the spine can result in facet arthropathy, muscle tightness, or nerve impingement.

The facet joint is the point where two vertebrae in the spine connect. In the cervical spine, the specific alignment of these joints allows for bending, twisting, and overall spinal alignment. Facet arthropathy arises when these joints become inflamed and painful. Pain is typically felt when the spine is rotated and extended, placing stress on these specific joints. 

The upper trapezius muscle is involved with tilting the head to the side. This repetitive motion to at full draw can over-stress the muscle and contribute to muscle tightness and pain.

Poor archery form

Tilting and rotating the head also places the spine in a position that reduces the space through which nerves pass. Compression on the nerves in this region can lead to symptoms such as muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling along the arm, accompanied by neck pain. In some instances, this numbness and tingling may extend to the hand and fingers.

Sometimes small adjustments to bow setup can help improve archery technique and reduce the risk of developing neck pain caused by a head tilt at full draw.

3. Impaired Shoulder and Spinal Mobility

Neck pain after archery often stems from restricted mobility in the shoulder, neck, or mid-back. Drawing from my experience as a physical therapist, I’ve observed that mobility deficits are commonly the cause of neck pain in individuals over 50 years old, although it can affect us young bucks, as well.

Impaired mobility in the spine, scapula, or shoulder joint can prompt compensatory patterns while drawing and shooting a bow. Poor archery form and technique can result in abnormal stress on the muscles involved in these actions.

Assessing range of motion at home is easy to do. We’ll cover this in a video on YouTube. If you have a limited range of motion in the shoulder or spine, it may be good to assess posture (or positioning) while shooting a bow, as this can be an easy and quick-fix.

Body positioning has a direct correlation to the available range of motion of the shoulder and neck. Here is a quick way to do this while sitting where you are – simply hunch forward and round your upper back. From here, try to raise your arms or turn your head. Then, sit upright with good positioning, repeat the head/neck and shoulder movements and see how different the movements are. This goes to show why appropriate positioning and shooting technique with archery is very important. 

4. Muscle Weakness

Weakness in the muscles of the shoulder and scapula contributes to abnormal stresses along the shoulder and neck. The scapula and rotator cuff muscles, if weak, can be significant factors in experiencing pain after engaging in archery.

It’s not uncommon for individual’s to exhibit overall strength, such as lifting heavy loads in the shop or hitting a heavy bench press, yet still have underlying weakness in the muscles of the shoulder. The presence of robust strength does not necessarily eliminate the possibility of weakness in the shoulder girdle.

Key muscles that play a crucial role in neck pain after archery include the rhomboids, trapezius, rotator cuff, and serratus anterior muscles.

Targeted exercises can effectively address muscle weakness in the muscles involved in drawing and shooting a bow.

We’ve highlighted a few of these exercises in another blog post.

5. Postural abnormalities

I often hear people express concerns about their posture, with statements like “my posture is terrible” or “my mom thinks my posture is trash.”

Defining what constitutes “normal” posture can be challenging, and it’s crucial to understand that maintaining a single posture for an extended period may not be ideal. Instead, the key is to engage in regular movement and avoid prolonged positions. If you can comfortably transition in and out of various postures, it’s less likely that you have what is commonly perceived as “bad posture.”

In archery and bowhunting, maintaining precise positioning is critical for achieving proper form and technique. Rather than emphasizing the term “posture,” I prefer to highlight the significance of proper positioning of the head and neck, mid-back, and shoulders, as these elements play a key role in executing the movements necessary for drawing and shooting a bow.

Maintaining body positions for any extended length of time can result in muscle imbalances and postural (or positional) deficits. 

Muscle tightness in the pectoral muscles, an exaggerated thoracic kyphosis (hunchback), and tight hip flexors can lead to suboptimal positioning during the process of drawing and shooting a bow. These muscle imbalances significantly elevate the risk of injury while shooting a bow.

Frequent movement is essential to reduce the risk of developing muscle imbalances. Incorporating regular strength training and mobility exercises into your routine can effectively mitigate the negative effects associated with these imbalances.

6. Previous Shoulder Injury

It is important to consider all previous injuries when it comes to identifying the underlying issue of neck pain after archery. Previous shoulder injuries from the glory days of high school or college football can resurface with the repetitive movement of drawing and shooting a bow. 

Ladies, you’re not off the hook either. If hypermobility, characterized by excessive range of motion, is a concern, incorporating strengthening exercises can be beneficial. Engaging in targeted strengthening exercises is crucial for enhancing stability and relieving neck and shoulder pain linked to archery or comparable activities.

For those who have a history of shoulder injuries, it is essential to focus on specific exercises, particularly those targeting the rotator cuff and scapular muscles. This targeted approach aims to optimize joint health and overall performance.

Neglecting a prior shoulder injury could lead to heightened stress on the neck or mid-back, potentially serving as a contributing factor to neck pain following archery.

7. Cervical arthritis

Conditions such as spondylosis, degenerative disc disease, stenosis, and bulging discs are frequently observed in individuals aged 40 and above. Studies reveal that approximately 60% of those over 40 have degenerative disc disease, while the figure rises to over 90% for individuals over 60. Remarkably, many individuals with these conditions experience no pain and are classified as “asymptomatic.”

This proves that these changes are inherent aspects of the natural aging process and are commonly found in the majority of individuals as they advance in age.

Statistics for degenerative disc disease

Neck pain may arise from the natural changes in the spine, but adopting a thoughtful approach and consistently engaging in physical activity can help alleviate it.

It’s important to recognize that medication, injections, and surgery don’t always provide the solution. Adjusting aspects of the draw setup, such as draw weight and length, can effectively reduce stress on the neck, lessening pain after archery.

Incorporating specific exercises and stretches into your routine can also counteract the negative effects of natural aging on the spine.

Don’t let a medical diagnosis prevent you from doing the things you enjoy doing. Instead, take a step back and see what things you can modify and do differently to continue enjoying life to the fullest.

Top Products to Reduce Neck Pain

If you’ve stretched and stretched your neck without much pain relief, then it may be time to consider another option. Sometimes those tight neck and shoulder muscles need a little more attention and these products can do exactly that!

Below I have included a few product recommendations that I use in the physical therapy clinic to help reduce muscle tightness, joint stiffness, and pain. These products are easily found on Amazon and as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

All of these products are small, lightweight, and can reduce neck pain. Throw them in your travel bag so you can reduce muscle soreness after your next long hunt!

Lacrosse ball

A deep tissue massage is a technique that involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to target deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. A lacrosse ball is commonly used to address chronic muscle tension, adhesions (knots), and areas of discomfort. 

Using a lacrosse ball to apply pressure to muscles assists in releasing tension along the fascia (covering of muscles), reduces trigger point activity, increases blood flow, and stimulates a relaxation response. All of these benefits can decrease muscle tightness and pain.

If you enjoy the sensation of a deep tissue massage, then this technique might be perfect for you! 

Trigger point cane

A trigger point release is a therapeutic technique used to alleviate muscle tightness and discomfort associated with trigger points, which are hyperirritable spots within tight bands of skeletal muscle fibers. These points can cause local pain or refer pain to other areas of the body.

A trigger point release aims to deactivate these points and promote muscle relaxation. There are various methods to reduce trigger point activity, and one common approach is with the use of a trigger point cane.

This tool assists you in reaching those hard-to-reach muscles along the neck and back. 

Massage gun 

A massage gun is like a little handheld jack hammer that works by providing a percussive massaging technique to target muscles. This device offers adjustable speed settings, which allows users to control the intensity and depth of the massage. The rapid pulsations from the massage gun stimulate blood flow and relaxation to the targeted area.

Although a little more expensive, I believe a massage gun is worth the investment. 


A TENS unit works by delivering low-voltage electrical impulses through electrodes placed on the skin. These electrodes are positioned on or near the area experiencing pain or discomfort. These electrical pulses create a tingling or buzzing sensation, which can effectively override or modulate pain signals traveling to the brain. This mechanism is thought to stimulate the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, providing relief from various types of pain.

The device allows users to adjust the intensity, frequency, and duration of the electrical impulses, offering a customizable approach to managing pain. TENS units are commonly used for conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, and muscle soreness, providing a non-invasive and drug-free method for alleviating discomfort. 


By understanding and addressing these factors, making modifications where needed, and consistently engaging in appropriate exercises, you can continue to pursue your passion while prioritizing your health and well-being. Don’t let a diagnosis define your limitations; instead, take proactive steps to continue embracing the activities you love.


About the Author

About the Author

Taylor Kuhlmann, PT, DPT, CSCS

Taylor Kuhlmann is a licensed physical therapist, certified strength and conditioning specialist accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the founder of High Caliber Health.

With a passion for guiding hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, Taylor focuses on enhancing their overall health and wellness, enabling them to experience the outdoors with reduced pain and enhanced performance.

Proper Archery Form: 19 Mistakes Causing Pain

Proper Archery Form: 19 Mistakes Causing Pain

Proper Archery Form: 19 Mistakes Causing Pain

Are you ready to take your archery skills to the next level? As a physical therapist, I’ve seen my fair share of archery injuries caused by poor form.

As an avid bowhunter, I have also witnessed the negative impact that poor shooting form has on accuracy. While archery is a low-impact sport, it still requires proper technique to prevent overuse injuries and strain on the body.

Unfortunately, many archers make common mistakes in their form without even realizing it. From bunching up to gripping the bow too tightly, these mistakes can put unnecessary stress on your body and decrease your overall performance.

Addressing these mistakes early on can prevent injury and lead to better accuracy and enjoyment of the sport.

So, let’s dive into the 19 common mistakes in archery form and learn how to correct them for a healthier and more successful archery experience.

1. Low draw arm

A low draw arm occurs when the draw weight is too heavy, and the archer tries to manhandle their bow to achieve full draw. Once the bowstring is pulled back, the archer must then elevate and rotate their arm to reach the anchor point. This motion of the shoulder joint, while under tension from the bow, causes irritation and stress to the biceps and rotator cuff tendons. 

If you notice yourself drawing the bow with your elbow tucked by your side, you may want to reduce the draw weight and try to keep the draw elbow near eye level when drawing the bow. This will allow your draw hand to be very close to the anchor point as soon as full draw is reached. By doing so, you will create a much more efficient draw with less risk of injury. 

2. Elevated bow shoulder

An elevated bow shoulder is caused by weakness and poor stability of the shoulder blade muscles. Scapular winging or tilting may also be present with an elevated bow shoulder. When this occurs, the entire shoulder complex is at a disadvantage, and it can increase the stress on the rotator cuff tendons, bursa sac, and biceps musculature. 

The shoulder blade is the foundation of the shoulder complex, and it is vital for archers and bowhunters to strengthen the scapular muscles to create a solid foundation for the shoulder blade. If weakness is present, this can allow for abnormal alignment of the upper arm bone and shoulder blade. It is this abnormal alignment that increases the stress and causes irritation to the bow shoulder. 

To prevent this, decrease the draw weight or use a shot trainer to practice setting the bow shoulder blade down and into the back pocket while at full draw. This can help strengthen the scapular muscles and provide a more stable foundation, preventing the bow shoulder from elevating.

3. Forward bow shoulder

A forward bow shoulder is often caused by a muscle imbalance or an inadequate draw length. Tight pectoral muscles and weak muscles on the back of the shoulder can cause the bow shoulder to assume a forward position at full draw. 

Moreover, an insufficient draw length can lead to a forward bow shoulder. This can happen if the bow is too small or inadequately fitted to the archer, forcing them to bunch up in order to get their eye to the peep. Repeated shooting in this position can result in increased irritation to the shoulder musculature, and hence increase risk of injury.  

To measure your draw length, measure your wingspan (from the tips of the middle fingers) in inches and divide the result by 2.5. If you need assistance in measuring your draw length or adjusting your bow settings, consider visiting your local bow shop. Even minor adjustments in your set-up can result in significant improvements in your shooting form and technique. 

4. Excessive curvature of the spine (thoracic kyphosis)

Excessive spinal curvature can affect the body’s foundation and mechanics while drawing a bow. Too much thoracic kyphosis can cause additional stress on the neck, shoulder girdle, and lower back, which can decrease musculoskeletal efficiency and raise the risk of pain. It is recommended to include thoracic extension and rotation exercises into your workout routine.

In today’s world of computers and cell phones, this position is common. Take a moment to observe people using their cell phones in public, and notice the position of their head and neck. Stay mindful of this positioning throughout the day to help minimize the risk of it carrying over and negatively affecting your archery performance. 

5. Tight grip

Using the death grip on the bow can create additional tension throughout the hand, forearm, and upper arm, causing fatigue and weakness in the forearm muscles. As fatigue sets in, archers may compensate with proximal shoulder muscles, eventually developing one of the flaws mentioned above. Therefore, it is important to avoid the death grip on the bow and instead grasp the handle in the V of the hand between the thumb and index finger. 

To help relax the grip, try wiggling the fingers of the bow hand prior to each shot. 

6. Excessive lumbar extension

Abdominal strength, stability, and body awareness are essential for maintaining an optimal position of the spine and pelvis while shooting a bow and arrow. Keeping a neutral spine throughout the entire shot is crucial to reduce the risk of injury, increase muscle efficiency, and improve accuracy. Excessive lumbar extension is often caused by poor body awareness rather than strength deficits. Most archers have enough core strength to minimize excessive lumbar extension and can correct this by identifying abnormal positioning and working towards achieving a neutral spine while shooting a bow. 

Excessive lumbar extension can also cause the pelvis to rotate anteriorly, which can result from tight hip flexors and low back musculature or weak abdominal and gluteal muscles. Optimizing the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine can decrease hip and low back pain when shooting a bow and arrow. 

To find your neutral spine position, stand upright and perform an anterior and posterior pelvic tilt to the end range of motion. The neutral or optimal position is halfway between the extreme anterior and posterior pelvic positions. Once you identify this neutral position, practice maintaining it while shooting a bow. Additionally, strengthening the abdominal muscles in this position can be very beneficial for reducing hip and low back pain. 

7. Forward head

Assuming a forward head position is not ideal because it can lead to several issues. Firstly, an inadequate draw length is usually the reason why archers assume a forward head position as the reach to get their eye to the peep. This position can cause neck pain and headaches as the upper cervical spine is in hyperextension, which may irritate the small muscles and nerves at the base of the skull. These suboccipital muscles can become tight and cause what some people refer to as tension or cervicogenic headaches. 

Additionally, a forward head position can also negatively affect the archer’s accuracy, as it can alter the bow’s point of aim. Therefore, maintaining a neutral head position while shooting a bow is essential for proper alignment of the body, improving accuracy, reducing the risk of pain, and ensuring a consistent shot. 

8. Lateral trunk flexion

Lateral trunk flexion occurs when the archer leans away from the bow arm or away from the target. Based on my experience with archery, this is usually caused by one of two reasons: 1) the draw length is too long, or 2) the actual weight of the bow is too heavy for the archer. If you notice that you are shooting from a laterally flexed position, then check to ensure that your bow setup fits your needs. 

Lateral trunk flexion primarily occurs through 12 thoracic vertebrae. The thoracic spine must rotate and bend to achieve lateral trunk flexion. This position creates abnormal alignment throughout the rest of the spine and surrounding musculature, which, in turn, limits the efficiency of our joints and muscles. 

Drawing a bow with lateral trunk flexion position can exponentially increase stress throughout the spine. Herniated discs, muscle strains, sprains, and fractures are common conditions or injuries that can affect the spine and may be exacerbated by this position of the spine. It is important to maintain a neutral spine while performing repetitive shots to limit the risk of injury. 

9. Narrow base of support

An archer must always establish and maintain a solid base of support when shooting a bow. It is very difficult to maintain accuracy on a target if our feet do not keep us steady and connected to the support surface. If an archer feels off-balance, it can increase tension throughout the body and impair the archer’s focus and confidence with shot placement. 

A narrow base of support requires good balance to maintain the center of gravity in a steady position over the feet. On the other hand, a wider base of support will help connect the archer with the support surface and provide a stable frame to shoot a bow with much-improved accuracy and confidence. An archer’s feet should be in a comfortable position, most commonly a hip-width stance, to maximize accuracy and performance.

It is important to practice shooting in various positions, such as a narrow stance, half kneeling, or crouched, as you will likely encounter these positions on a hunt. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable when shooting your bow will maximize your confidence next hunting season. 

10. Posterior pelvic tilt

Inadequate mobility, hamstring tightness or hyperactivity, and low back muscle weakness can cause an individual to assume a posterior pelvic tilt, which is evident by flattening of the lower back (lumbar spine). This position of the pelvis can increase stress through the lumbar spine and cause symptoms of sciatica or muscle strains. 

Archers whose draw length is too short may assume a posterior pelvic tilt, as they may have to bunch up to get their eye to the peep. If you experience sciatica or low back pain during or after shooting a bow, it may be a good idea to film yourself to check the position of your pelvis and lumbar spine when shooting your bow. 

It is vital for archers to stay active and strengthen their core, hips, and lower leg muscles to help create a solid foundation through the hips. Numerous exercises can help improve postural awareness, reduce back pain, and alleviate sciatica. 

11. Excessive bend in the bow elbow

Excessive bending in the elbow while at full draw can cause forearm and shoulder pain. This position drastically increases the stress throughout the muscles of the bow arm and increases the demands of the forearm and upper arm musculature. It is ideal to have a slight bend in the bow elbow while at full draw. This will allow the bony alignment and muscles of the arm to work together and minimize the abnormal stress through the arm that can be caused by excessive bending in the bow elbow. 

The wrist extensors are located along the lateral forearm and attach just above the elbow on the outside of the upper arm bone (humerus). Lateral epicondylitis is caused by repetitive stress along the lateral forearm, resulting in micro-tears and pain along the lateral elbow where the tendons of forearm muscles attach to the humerus. The three periods of increased stress along the lateral forearm occur when drawing a bow, holding at full draw (if the elbow bends excessively), and with the vibration of the bow after releasing the arrow. 

12. Knee hyperextension

While it may not seem like the knees can affect a bow shot, let’s break it down and take a closer look. The upper body and hips are anchored to the ground through the knees and feet. Any abnormal positioning of the feet and knees can cause a ripple effect throughout the rest of the body. Knee hyperextension often leads to an anteriorly rotated pelvis, which, in turn, causes hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. This abnormal positioning increases the force and stress on ligaments, cartilage, and tendons throughout the lower extremities and lumbar spine, putting the musculoskeletal system at a disadvantage. 

I recommend archers to find an athletic stance or assume a “ready position” to help minimize knee hyperextension. An archer with a more athletic stance, below the level of the hips, will be able to adapt to uneven terrain or alter their shot with increased accuracy. Remember, archers are athletes, so it’s important to fix your technique and find that athletic stance that works for you. 

13. Tilted bow 

A tilted bow can lead to the arrow hitting left or right of the intended target, which can have a significant impact on the success of a bow shot. This may be the difference between a 75 yard or a 1,000 yard blood trail. To avoid this, many sites have a place for a bow level to help provide feedback to the archer and ensure that the bow is level before releasing the arrow. If you consistently miss right or left, even with a bubble level, then it may be necessary to level the site, which can be done at your local bow shop.

In addition to affecting accuracy, tilting the bow can also cause musculoskeletal issues such as abnormal stress on the wrist and awkward positioning of the head and neck, leading to pain and discomfort. Conducting a video analysis of your shot can help you identify any shooting flaws and prevent these issues from occurring. It’s important to prioritize proper form and technique to ensure a successful and comfortable shooting experience. 

14. Poor breathing patterns

Proper breathing patterns can greatly impact an archer’s accuracy and overall shooting experience. Neglecting this aspect can lead to reduced accuracy and tension in the chest and upper body. On the other hand, incorporating correct breathing techniques can help maintain a steady aim, manage stress levels, and keep you in rhythm throughout the shot process. 

Diaphragmatic breathing is a technique that maximizes oxygen uptake, enhances muscle efficiency, reduces heart rate, and improves focus. To practice this method, place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your chest. As you inhale and exhale, you should feel the hand on your stomach raise and lower with each breath, while the hand on your chest remains still. Inhale through your nose for four seconds, feel the hand on your abdomen raise, hold your breath for two seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for six seconds. 

By incorporating diaphragmatic breathing into your shot process, you can improve your performance and stay calm and focused in high-pressure situations, such as when a trophy buck steps out and begins walking in your direction. So don’t overlook the importance of proper breathing techniques in archery – it can make a significant difference in your accuracy and overall success. 

15. Closed stance

A proper shooting stance is essential for archers who want to achieve accuracy and consistency when shooting a bow. Typically, this involves placing the feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to the shooting line. It is not uncommon for archers to have an open or closed stance when shooting a bow, as this is a personal preference. However, a bow hunter may not have an option on which stance to take while hunting. Therefore, it may be a good idea to practice shots with various stances to strengthen muscles, improve balance, and reduce risk of injury when archers are forced to shoot from an abnormal stance. 

In a closed stance for a right-handed release, an archer’s left foot is placed forward in comparison to the right foot. This may require the archer to rotate more through the upper body to locate the target, which can increase the risk of an oblique muscle strain. An archer who experiences flank or mid-back pain may benefit from adjusting their stance and foot position to limit the amount of rotation in their upper body. 

16. Uneven weight distribution through the feet

Maintaining an even weight distribution through the feet is essential for archers to achieve accuracy and consistency when shooting a bow. Any imbalance in weight can lead to instability and affect the archer’s balance, causing the arrow to fly off course and reducing accuracy. 

Leaning too much on one foot increases the weight-bearing through that extremity, potentially leading to joint pain from the excessive weight. Moreover, it can cause the archer to lose their foundation, preventing them from holding a steady aim.

Additionally, archers should ensure that their weight is evenly distributed between the balls and heels of their feet. Increased weight on the toes can exacerbate symptoms of achilles tendinopathy or plantar fasciitis. By maintaining an even weight distribution through the feet, archers can achieve a stable platform to shoot from, improving their accuracy and consistency on the target. 

17. Lateral shift in spine 

Similar to a lateral trunk lean, a lateral shift causes excessive pressure and stress to the thoracic spine. A right lateral shift causes the thoracic spine to rotate left. The asymmetrical alignment of the spine and surrounding structures limits the efficiency of our trunk and upper body and increases the risk of injury. Back pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, facet arthropathy, or muscle spasms are a few conditions that can be secondary to a lateral shift in the spine.  

A lateral shift is commonly seen when the draw length of the bow is too long, forcing the archer to laterally shift their spine to get their eye to the peep. You can identify this faulty shooting form with a video analysis of yourself shooting a bow. The spine should remain in a fairly neutral position to maximize the efficiency of the upper body when shooting a bow. Again, think of the optimal “T” position while at full draw – this can help normalize alignment and technique.

18. Inconsistent anchor points

Achieving consistency in shooting form and technique is essential for archers to achieve success and reduce the risk of injury. One key element of consistency is identifying and using consistent anchor points. Anchor points will vary from person-to-person, but three common anchor points include the hand-to-face, nose-to-string, and string-to-mouth.

These anchor points should be repeatable and comfortable to the archer. 

Inconsistencies in anchor points can impede muscle memory and mental focus, which can negatively affect accuracy. Therefore, archers should strive to maintain consistent anchor points with each shot to maximize performance. 

As you repeat proper form over and over, it will become second nature and you will be able to perform it without even thinking. You will hit all anchor points with low shoulders, a strong back, engaged core, and maximal confidence.

19. Poor release and follow-through

Do not overlook the release and follow-through. The most critical component of a successful archery shot is the release and follow-through. Like any other sport, a proper release and follow-through are essential for maximizing accuracy. There are numerous release aids to choose from, and it is important to use one with which you are most comfortable with. 

A proper release is achieved first by staying calm and maintaining a light grip on the bow while hovering the pin on the target and slowly applying pressure to the release. A good release can be achieved by initiating the release with the big muscles of the shoulder blade and back. As you create this back tension, slowly apply pressure to the release aid until the arrow is smoothly released. This will result in a “surprise release” rather than “punching the trigger” and thus lead to increased accuracy.

The follow-through is critical and requires the archer to remain in the aiming position as the arrow flies to the target. A proper grip will allow the bow to drop forward, as the draw arm will move backward behind the head as the arrow is released. Always maintain the push/pull feeling throughout the entire shot. Try to hold the aiming position until the arrow hits the target. 

Final thoughts

Now that you are aware of the 19 common mistakes in archery form, it is time to record yourself or take photos while drawing and shooting a bow. Most smartphones have excellent cameras that allow you to identify the shooting flaws listed above. Share your video with a fellow hunting buddy and critique each other’s form to fine-tune and maximize your shooting technique. 

Stay healthy and keep shooting!

About the Author

About the Author

Taylor Kuhlmann, PT, DPT, CSCS

Taylor Kuhlmann is a licensed physical therapist in Kansas, a certified strength and conditioning specialist accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the founder of High Caliber Health.

With a passion for guiding hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, Taylor focuses on enhancing their overall health and wellness, enabling them to experience the outdoors with reduced pain and enhanced performance.