25 Exercises to Increase Draw Weight

25 Exercises to Increase Draw Weight

25 Exercises to Increase Draw Weight


Achieving a higher draw weight is a goal shared by many passionate archers and bowhunters, driven by various motivations. If you’re looking to enhance your archery experience with smoother draws, precise shots, and reduced fatigue, then you’ve come to the right place.

This blog post is designed to be your ultimate guide, featuring targeted exercises that will effectively increase your draw weight, boost your confidence, and elevate your hunting skills to unparalleled heights.

Whether you’re pursuing whitetail deer or turkey with a #40 draw, or daring to take on more formidable game like elk or moose, which demands at least a #60 draw, it’s crucial to adhere to your state’s regulations regarding minimum draw weight. While it’s essential to shoot within your personal capabilities, I strongly believe in pushing yourself to maximize your draw weight.

Not only does a higher draw weight lead to ethical and lethal shots, but it also enhances your overall hunting prowess.

In this post, we’ll delve into 25 exceptional strengthening exercises specially curated to increase your draw weight and take your hunting abilities to the next level.

As a physical therapist and strength and conditioning specialist, I’ll also provide you with my top 5 recommended exercises to boost your draw weight significantly.

But before we jump into these exercises, let’s gain a deeper understanding of the crucial muscle groups involved in archery and bowhunting, laying the foundation for your journey towards becoming a more skilled and capable archer or bowhunter.

What muscles do you train for archery?


Before we explore the exercises that can help increase draw weight, it is essential to identify and understand the key muscles involved in archery. Excelling in archery and minimizing the risk of injury relies on targeting specific muscle groups.

The following muscle groups play crucial roles in archery performance:

Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff, consisting of four muscles, stabilizes and rotates the shoulder joint. Neglecting this group is akin to forgetting your release while bow hunting, and it significantly increases the risk of shoulder injuries.


Vital for the draw arm, the biceps assist in flexing the elbow and pulling the string. Strengthening the biceps is directly linked to developing a powerful back, which enables you to handle higher draw weights and achieve success in the field.

Rhomboids and Trapezius

These muscles stabilize the shoulder blade, contributing to steady bow drawing and precise aiming. Strengthening these back muscles is crucial for both archers and bowhunters alike.

Latissimus Dorsi and Deltoids

Essential for drawing the bow and maintaining stability during aiming, these muscles are key to a controlled shot. The latissimus dorsi also provides support to the lower back.

Abdominals (Core)

Never underestimate the importance of core muscles. A strong core is vital for successful archery and bowhunting, facilitating smooth bow drawing, better balance, and steady aiming. Beyond traditional sit-ups or crunches, numerous exercises can effectively strengthen the core.

To optimize your exercise routine for archery and bowhunting, seeking guidance from a licensed physical therapist or certified strength and conditioning specialist is highly recommended. They can tailor exercises to your individual needs and ensure that you perform them with proper form to avoid injury.

Now, let’s delve into the top 25 exercises that I recommend to increase draw weight and enhance your hunting prowess. These exercises have been carefully chosen to specifically target the mentioned muscle groups and help you achieve your archery goals safely and effectively.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you’ll be well on your way to improving your draw weight, boosting your overall performance, and becoming a more skilled archer or bowhunter.

25 Best Exercises to Increase Draw Weight

With regularity and dedication, you will witness progress as you become stronger, gradually increasing your draw weight, and ultimately transforming into a more proficient archer or bowhunter.

Remember, success in archery and bowhunting requires consistent effort and patience, so stay committed to your training, and the results will follow.

1. Push-ups

Start in a plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground, then push back up to the starting position.

2. Lat Pulldowns

Sit at a lat pulldown machine with a wide bar attached. Grip the bar wider than shoulder-width and pull it down to your chest, squeezing your back muscles. Slowly release the bar back up.

3. Plank on Hands

Assume a push-up position with your hands directly below your shoulders. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core. Hold this position for the desired duration.

4. Bent Over Rows

Hinge at the hips, keeping your back flat, and a staggered stance. One hand may provide support from a weight bench or rack. Grasp a dumbbell in one hand and perform a rowing motion. Focus on performing this movement in a slow and controlled manner by utilizing the back muscles.

5. Triceps Dips

Sit on the edge of a bench or chair with your hands gripping the edge. Walk your feet forward and lower your body down by bending your elbows. Push back up to the starting position.

6. Face Pulls

Attach a resistance band to a sturdy anchor point. Grab the band handles with both hands, palms facing inward. Pull the band towards your face while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Release with control.

7. Lunges

Stand tall, take a step forward with one leg, and lower your body until both knees are at 90-degree angles. Push back up to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Add resistance by holding dumbbells at your side.

8. Bench Press

Lie on a flat bench, hold a barbell with an overhand grip, and lower it down to your chest. Push the barbell back up to the starting position.

9. Lateral Plank

Lie on your side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and your legs stacked on top of each other. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core muscles and lift your hips off the ground, supporting your body weight on your forearm and the side of your bottom foot. Your forearm should be perpendicular to your body. Repeat on both sides.

10. Banded ER (External Rotation) + Shoulder Flexion

Begin by securing a resistance band to a fixed point at waist height. Stand perpendicular to the anchor point, gripping the resistance band with one hand. Ensure your elbow is bent at a 90-degree angle and then rotate your arm away from your body. Once in this position, lift your arm straight ahead while actively resisting the tension of the band. Gradually lower your arm back to your side and then return to the starting position.

11. Superman’s – Back Extension

Lie face down with arms extended overhead. Lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground simultaneously, squeezing your lower back muscles. Lower back down with control.

12. Biceps Curls

Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward. Curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders, squeezing your biceps. Lower the dumbbells back down slowly.

13. Prone I’s, Y’s, T’s

Lie face down on an incline bench with your arms hanging down. Raise and lower your arm in each direction: straight up (I), at an angle (Y), and out to the side (T).

14. Hammer Curls

Similar to biceps curls, but this time, hold the dumbbells with your palms facing inward (neutral grip) throughout the movement.

15. Medicine Ball Slams

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a medicine ball overhead, and slam it down to the ground with force. Catch the ball on the bounce and repeat.

16. Squats

Stand with feet hip-width apart, lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Keep your chest up and back straight. Return to the standing position.

17. Deadlifts

Stand with feet hip-width apart, grip a barbell with an overhand grip, and lift the barbell by extending your hips and standing up tall. Lower the barbell back down with control. Keep the barbell close to your legs throughout the entire repetition.

18. Lateral Raises

Hold dumbbells at your sides with palms facing your body. Raise your arms out to the sides until they’re parallel to the ground. Lower with control.

19. Pectoral Fly’s

Lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Open your arms out to the sides, then bring them together in front of your chest. Lower with control. To really emphasize the pectoral muscles, rotate the arm so the pinky side of the hand approach each other at the top of the repetition.

20. Front Raises

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing your body. Raise your arms straight out in front of you until they’re parallel to the ground. Lower with control.

21. Renegade Rows

Assume a push-up position with a dumbbell in each hand. Row one dumbbell up towards your ribcage while stabilizing with the other arm. Alternate sides.

22. Seated Cable Rows

Sit at a cable row machine with your knees slightly bent. Grab the handles and pull them towards your torso, squeezing your back muscles. Release with control.

23. Shoulder Press

Sit on a bench with back support and hold dumbbells at shoulder height. Press the dumbbells overhead until your arms are fully extended. Lower with control.

24. Swiss Ball Pike Roll Outs

Start in a plank position with your feet on a Swiss ball. Engage your core and roll the ball towards your hands, lifting your hips into a pike position. Roll back to the starting position.

25. Farmer’s Carries

Hold an object in one hand at the side (as if carrying a bucket) while walking a certain distance. Repeat on both sides.

The list may seem lengthy, but the intention is to offer you a variety of exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help achieve your goal of increasing draw weight.

It is not advisable to attempt all these exercises in a single session. Instead, I recommend selecting anywhere from 3 to 6 exercises and dedicating yourself to consistent practice.

5 BEST Exercises to Increase Draw Weight (at the gym)

These exercises are best to perform at a gym as they will require a barbell, free weights, and cable machines. As always, place emphasis on slow and controlled movements with appropriate form and technique.

Give these 5 exercises a try next time you’re at the gym:

1. Deadlifts: 4 sets of 6 repetitions.

2. Bent over rows: 4 sets of 8 repetitions.

3. Bench press: 4 sets of 6 repetitions.

4. Face pulls: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. Seated cable rows: 4 sets of 8 repetitions.

Start with a light(er) weight until you master the form and technique. Strength improvements will occur much more rapidly while practicing proper form and technique, all while minimizing the risk of injury.

5 BEST Exercises to Increase Draw Weight (at home)

Gym memberships can be pricy and the inconvenience of going to a gym may deter some people. There are several great bodyweight exercises that can be done at home to increase draw weight.

Hop on the floor and give these 5 exercises a try today!

1. Push-ups: 4 sets of 12 repetitions.

2. Plank on hands: 3 sets of 45 second holds.

3. Prone I’s, Y’s, T’s: 3 sets of 8 repetitions. Hold a can of soup for added resistance.

4. Farmers carries: 5 sets of 30-50 feet in distance. A bucket or heavy object can be used.

5. Walking lunges: 3 sets of 8 repetitions each leg.

I like these 5 exercises to increase draw weight because they require very little gym equipment and I can knock them out in the time it takes some people to drive to the gym. As a busy father, this allows me to maintain consistency and my overall fitness.


When searching the internet for exercises to increase draw weight, you will probably come across thousands of options. The beauty of this process is that as long as you put in the effort and maintain consistency, you will undoubtedly become stronger and boost your draw weight.

As I’ve emphasized before, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Stick to the basics, perform them with proper form, and remain consistent in your training. By doing so, you’ll achieve your goals and keep progressing.

Keep moving forward!

About the Author

About the Author

Taylor Kuhlmann, PT, DPT, CSCS

Taylor Kuhlmann is a licensed physical therapist in Kansas, a certified strength and conditioning specialist accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the founder of High Caliber Health. With a passion for guiding hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, Taylor focuses on enhancing their overall health and wellness, enabling them to experience the outdoors with reduced pain and enhanced performance.

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5 Shoulder Stretches for Archers and Bowhunters

5 Shoulder Stretches for Archers and Bowhunters

5 Shoulder Stretches for Archers and Bowhunters


Are you an archer or bowhunter suffering from neck pain, shoulder pain, scapula pain, rotator cuff tendinitis, bursitis, impingement, low back pain, or mid-back pain?

If so, don’t miss out on these 5 stretching exercises.

As a physical therapist and strength and conditioning specialist, I understand the importance of mobility and flexibility in improving joint health and reducing pain. If you’re experiencing any of the above musculoskeletal conditions, adding these 5 stretches to your routine can make a significant difference.

Archery shoulder pain is typically caused by repetitive shooting, so incorporating stretches and mobility exercises into your daily routine can help to alleviate pain and discomfort. Moreover, bow hunting requires a significant amount of upper body strength and stability, as well as flexibility or mobility. Stretching exercises can help to improve your ability to draw and hold a bow, aim accurately, and release with precision. 

Stretching exercises can improve your performance and prevent shoulder injuries. By enhancing mobility and flexibility in the shoulder joint, you can reduce the risk of developing common shoulder injuries such as rotator cuff strains, impingement syndrome, and bursitis. Regular mobility exercises can also promote joint health by increasing synovial fluid production, which helps lubricate the joint and reduce friction. This can prevent joint wear and tear, which can lead to degenerative joint conditions such as osteoarthritis.

Incorporating these 5 stretching exercises into your routine can help reduce pain

1. Shoulder distraction mobilization

Anchor a resistance band to a sturdy surface, wrap the band around the wrist, relax the arm, and stand at a 30-degree angle away from the anchor point. The band should be pulling the arm at a 45-50 degree angle away from the body. Relax the arm and provide gentle oscillations using body weight to distract the shoulder joint. Perform for 3-4 sets of 20-30 seconds, as tolerated.

2. Thread the needle

Start on your hands and knees, with one hand reach up towards the ceiling as you rotate away from the body, then reach underneath and through the opposite arm. Sit back towards your heels as you reach the arm through. Hold for a few seconds up to 60 seconds, repeat 2-3 times each side. Be sure to breathe throughout the entire movement.

3. Repeated thoracic extension

Laying on your back with your knees bent to 90 degrees, place a foam roll perpendicular to the spine between the level of the shoulder blades. Support your head and neck with the hands. In a slow and controlled movement, exhale and extend the thoracic spine over the foam roller. Hold for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

4. Open book

Start by laying on your side with your feet and knees together, in line with your spine. Straighten the arms out in front of your body with palms together. Slowly, rotate the spine and reach with the top arm up and over the body as you open up the chest towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, repeat 5 times as you inhale/exhale slowly, relaxing into the stretch. Repeat on the opposite side.

5. Kneeling lat stretch

Start on your hands and knees with your palms up on the floor. Slowly sit back onto your heels. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, repeat 3-4 times. You can target the right or left lat muscle by stacking the hands right or left of the midline.

Improve Flexibility and Strength to Succeed with Archery

Incorporating strength and mobility exercises into your routine can provide numerous benefits for both shoulder pain and bow hunting. By committing to a regular exercise routine, you can improve your shoulder health and performance, and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, more active lifestyle.

In addition to these stretches, other exercises such as scapular strengthening, rotator cuff strengthening, and core stability exercises can also be beneficial for bow hunters. As always, it is important to maintain proper form and technique when performing any exercise to prevent injury.

Lastly, don’t forget to take breaks and rest when needed. Overuse injuries can occur if you push yourself too hard without proper recovery time. Adequate rest and recovery can help prevent injury and improve performance in the long run.

In summary

Stretching and mobility exercises can be a game-changer for bow hunters experiencing shoulder pain or discomfort. Incorporating these exercises into your routine can improve your range of motion, prevent injury, and enhance your overall bow hunting performance. Remember to always prioritize your shoulder health and listen to your body. Happy hunting!

Bow Arm Shoulder Pain: A Common Issue Among Archers and Bowhunters

Bow Arm Shoulder Pain: A Common Issue Among Archers and Bowhunters

Bow Arm Shoulder Pain: A Common Issue Among Archers and Bowhunters


Shooting a bow can be an exhilarating experience, but it can also lead to bow arm shoulder pain, a common issue among archers and bowhunters. In this blog post, I will discuss the causes, prevention, and management of bow arm shoulder pain, and provide tips to keep archers and bowhunters pain-free.

Bow arm vs. Draw Arm

It’s important to differentiate the bow arm vs. the draw arm. For a right-handed shooter, the left arm is the bow arm, and the right arm is the draw arm. The bow arm holds the bow up against gravity and steadies the peep on the target, while the draw arm pulls the string and anchors at full draw. The left and right upper extremities perform different movements while shooting a bow, which can lead to pain and dysfunctions in the shoulder and arms if proper care and archery form is neglected.

Bow arm vs. Draw arm

Causes of Bow Arm Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is almost inevitable for archers and bowhunters due to the repetitive motion of shooting a bow. This motion puts significant stress on the shoulder joint. According to a research study by van Doorn et al, shoulder pain is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint treated in physical therapy. From my experience as a physical therapist, I have found that shoulder pain is often caused by repetitive activities. 


Common shoulder issues among archers and bowhunters include shoulder instability, scapular dyskinesis, rotator cuff disorders, biceps tendinopathy, bursitis, and shoulder impingement.


Shoulder instability

Occurs when the shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) is unable to maintain its proper position due to excessive movement in the ligaments, joint capsule, or from insufficient dynamic stability of the rotator cuff musculature. This instability can result in frequent dislocations, subluxations, or allow excessive movement of the shoulder which causes undue stress and eventual pain, swelling, weakness, or limited range of motion. 


Scapular dyskinesis

Refers to abnormal movement or positioning of the shoulder blades (scapula) during shoulder movements and limits the efficiency of the complex shoulder joint. 


Rotator cuff disorders

Refers to a group of conditions that affect the muscles and tendons that attach the shoulder blade to the upper arm bone. The rotator cuff muscles include: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. These four muscles work to stabilize the shoulder joint and keep the ball and socket joint centered in optimal position. Rotator cuff disorders can include inflammation, tears, or degeneration resulting in pain and weakness. 


Biceps tendinopathy

Refers to pain and inflammation of the biceps tendon, which attaches the biceps muscle to the shoulder and elbow. This pain is usually located on the front of the shoulder and can cause a popping sensation in the shoulder. Biceps tendinopathy can be caused by overuse, degeneration, postural abnormalities, or poor shooting form and technique, and can result in pain, weakness, and limited mobility. 



Refers to inflammation of the small fluid-filled sacs that provide cushion between the tendons and bony structures. Bursitis can be caused by overuse or injury, and can result in pain and limited range of motion. 


Shoulder Impingement

Occurs when the tendons or bursa in the shoulder become compressed or pinched during shoulder movements, resulting in pain and limited mobility. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including overuse, poor posture, or structural abnormalities in the shoulder joint. 


It’s important to understand that the shoulder is a complex joint that involves many muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. If the riser and cam, or scapula and humerus, are not in the optimal position, then this may lead to bow failure or shoulder dysfunctions and pain. The aforementioned shoulder dysfunctions can occur separately, but oftentimes, they are interrelated and occur at the same time. 


For example, shoulder instability can lead to scapular dyskinesis because the shoulder blade has to compensate for the unstable joint. Scapular dyskinesis can then cause rotator cuff disorders because it changes the mechanics of how the rotator cuff muscles work. Rotator cuff disorders can also lead to biceps tendinopathy because the biceps tendon works closely with the rotator cuff muscles and, in my opinion, should be considered part of the rotator cuff for all practical purposes. Bursitis can develop as a result of any of these conditions because any abnormal movement or positioning of the shoulder can compress or pinch the tendons or bursae in the shoulder joint. 


This is a brief explanation of how complex the shoulder joint is and highlights the importance of addressing any shoulder pain as early as possible to prevent further dysfunction and pain while shooting a bow and arrow. 


By addressing the underlying dysfunction, archers and bowhunters can prevent the development or progression of other shoulder dysfunctions and minimize the risk of further damage or injury. 

Prevention and Management of Bow Arm Shoulder Pain 

Archers and bowhunters can prevent and treat bow arm shoulder pain with archery-specific exercises. Archery-specific exercises should include both compound and accessory exercises that target the rotator cuff, scapula, and arm musculature to help stabilize the shoulder and meet the demands of shooting a bow. 


Core strengthening, balance training, and mobility exercises are also vital in maximizing success and reducing risk of injury. 


Self-filming while shooting a bow and arrow will help identify shooting flaws and provide feedback on what may be contributing to your bow arm shoulder pain. 


Shooting a bow and arrow with poor archery form can compound shoulder problems and increase the risk of injury. 


To manage existing bow arm shoulder pain, modify shooting frequency, reduce draw weight, ice, modify shooting form and technique, or take a 1-2 week break from shooting. 

Step-by-Step Return to Shooting After a Shoulder Injury

1. Start with shorter distances: It’s important to start at a shorter distance, such as 10 yards, and gradually work your way up to longer distances. This will help you ease back into shooting and prevent re-injury.

2. Decrease the draw weight: Using a lighter draw weight can help reduce the strain on your shoulder as you work your way back up to shooting your normal draw weight. Increase the draw weight by no more than 5-10% in one week. 

3. Focus on form: When returning to shooting, it’s important to focus on your form and technique. This can help you prevent future injuries and improve your accuracy. I am a strong believer in self-filming to identify poor shooting form.

4. Incorporate stretching and warm-up exercises: Incorporating stretching and warm-up exercises into your routine can help improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. 

5. Perform supplemental exercises: Progressive archery-specific exercises targeting the rotator cuff, scapula, and core musculature will help restore and build the strength necessary for performing archery and bowhunting at a high level. 

6. Listen to your body: It’s important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed. If you experience pain or discomfort when shooting, it may be a sign that you need to take a break or reduce the volume of your shooting. 

7. Seek professional guidance: If you’re unsure about how to safely return to shooting after a shoulder injury, it’s always a good idea to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or qualified archery coach. They can help you develop a safe and effective plan for returning to shooting.

Return to Archery Guide

Use this table as a guide to your recovery and return to shooting a bow and arrow. It’s important to note that these guidelines are just a starting point and may need to be adjusted based on individual recovery, physical ability, and experience with archery. Additionally, it’s important to always listen to your body and adjust accordingly. It may be a good idea to discuss your return to shooting with a healthcare professional. 

Return to archery table


Bow arm shoulder pain is a common issue among archers and bowhunters, but it can be prevented and managed with proper care. Understanding the causes of pain, recognizing symptoms, performing archery-specific exercises, and self-filming archery form are crucial steps to keep archers and bowhunters pain-free.

Check out our blog post on the 19 most common mistakes in archery form for additional tips on improving your shooting technique.

Proper Archery Form: 19 Mistakes Causing Pain

Proper Archery Form: 19 Mistakes Causing Pain

Proper Archery Form: 19 Mistakes Causing Pain

Are you ready to take your archery skills to the next level? As a physical therapist, I’ve seen my fair share of archery injuries caused by poor form.

As an avid bowhunter, I have also witnessed the negative impact that poor shooting form has on accuracy. While archery is a low-impact sport, it still requires proper technique to prevent overuse injuries and strain on the body.

Unfortunately, many archers make common mistakes in their form without even realizing it. From bunching up to gripping the bow too tightly, these mistakes can put unnecessary stress on your body and decrease your overall performance.

Addressing these mistakes early on can prevent injury and lead to better accuracy and enjoyment of the sport.

So, let’s dive into the 19 common mistakes in archery form and learn how to correct them for a healthier and more successful archery experience.

1. Low draw arm

A low draw arm occurs when the draw weight is too heavy, and the archer tries to manhandle their bow to achieve full draw. Once the bowstring is pulled back, the archer must then elevate and rotate their arm to reach the anchor point. This motion of the shoulder joint, while under tension from the bow, causes irritation and stress to the biceps and rotator cuff tendons. 

If you notice yourself drawing the bow with your elbow tucked by your side, you may want to reduce the draw weight and try to keep the draw elbow near eye level when drawing the bow. This will allow your draw hand to be very close to the anchor point as soon as full draw is reached. By doing so, you will create a much more efficient draw with less risk of injury. 

2. Elevated bow shoulder

An elevated bow shoulder is caused by weakness and poor stability of the shoulder blade muscles. Scapular winging or tilting may also be present with an elevated bow shoulder. When this occurs, the entire shoulder complex is at a disadvantage, and it can increase the stress on the rotator cuff tendons, bursa sac, and biceps musculature. 

The shoulder blade is the foundation of the shoulder complex, and it is vital for archers and bowhunters to strengthen the scapular muscles to create a solid foundation for the shoulder blade. If weakness is present, this can allow for abnormal alignment of the upper arm bone and shoulder blade. It is this abnormal alignment that increases the stress and causes irritation to the bow shoulder. 

To prevent this, decrease the draw weight or use a shot trainer to practice setting the bow shoulder blade down and into the back pocket while at full draw. This can help strengthen the scapular muscles and provide a more stable foundation, preventing the bow shoulder from elevating.

3. Forward bow shoulder

A forward bow shoulder is often caused by a muscle imbalance or an inadequate draw length. Tight pectoral muscles and weak muscles on the back of the shoulder can cause the bow shoulder to assume a forward position at full draw. 

Moreover, an insufficient draw length can lead to a forward bow shoulder. This can happen if the bow is too small or inadequately fitted to the archer, forcing them to bunch up in order to get their eye to the peep. Repeated shooting in this position can result in increased irritation to the shoulder musculature, and hence increase risk of injury.  

To measure your draw length, measure your wingspan (from the tips of the middle fingers) in inches and divide the result by 2.5. If you need assistance in measuring your draw length or adjusting your bow settings, consider visiting your local bow shop. Even minor adjustments in your set-up can result in significant improvements in your shooting form and technique. 

4. Excessive curvature of the spine (thoracic kyphosis)

Excessive spinal curvature can affect the body’s foundation and mechanics while drawing a bow. Too much thoracic kyphosis can cause additional stress on the neck, shoulder girdle, and lower back, which can decrease musculoskeletal efficiency and raise the risk of pain. It is recommended to include thoracic extension and rotation exercises into your workout routine.

In today’s world of computers and cell phones, this position is common. Take a moment to observe people using their cell phones in public, and notice the position of their head and neck. Stay mindful of this positioning throughout the day to help minimize the risk of it carrying over and negatively affecting your archery performance. 

5. Tight grip

Using the death grip on the bow can create additional tension throughout the hand, forearm, and upper arm, causing fatigue and weakness in the forearm muscles. As fatigue sets in, archers may compensate with proximal shoulder muscles, eventually developing one of the flaws mentioned above. Therefore, it is important to avoid the death grip on the bow and instead grasp the handle in the V of the hand between the thumb and index finger. 

To help relax the grip, try wiggling the fingers of the bow hand prior to each shot. 

6. Excessive lumbar extension

Abdominal strength, stability, and body awareness are essential for maintaining an optimal position of the spine and pelvis while shooting a bow and arrow. Keeping a neutral spine throughout the entire shot is crucial to reduce the risk of injury, increase muscle efficiency, and improve accuracy. Excessive lumbar extension is often caused by poor body awareness rather than strength deficits. Most archers have enough core strength to minimize excessive lumbar extension and can correct this by identifying abnormal positioning and working towards achieving a neutral spine while shooting a bow. 

Excessive lumbar extension can also cause the pelvis to rotate anteriorly, which can result from tight hip flexors and low back musculature or weak abdominal and gluteal muscles. Optimizing the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine can decrease hip and low back pain when shooting a bow and arrow. 

To find your neutral spine position, stand upright and perform an anterior and posterior pelvic tilt to the end range of motion. The neutral or optimal position is halfway between the extreme anterior and posterior pelvic positions. Once you identify this neutral position, practice maintaining it while shooting a bow. Additionally, strengthening the abdominal muscles in this position can be very beneficial for reducing hip and low back pain. 

7. Forward head

Assuming a forward head position is not ideal because it can lead to several issues. Firstly, an inadequate draw length is usually the reason why archers assume a forward head position as the reach to get their eye to the peep. This position can cause neck pain and headaches as the upper cervical spine is in hyperextension, which may irritate the small muscles and nerves at the base of the skull. These suboccipital muscles can become tight and cause what some people refer to as tension or cervicogenic headaches. 

Additionally, a forward head position can also negatively affect the archer’s accuracy, as it can alter the bow’s point of aim. Therefore, maintaining a neutral head position while shooting a bow is essential for proper alignment of the body, improving accuracy, reducing the risk of pain, and ensuring a consistent shot. 

8. Lateral trunk flexion

Lateral trunk flexion occurs when the archer leans away from the bow arm or away from the target. Based on my experience with archery, this is usually caused by one of two reasons: 1) the draw length is too long, or 2) the actual weight of the bow is too heavy for the archer. If you notice that you are shooting from a laterally flexed position, then check to ensure that your bow setup fits your needs. 

Lateral trunk flexion primarily occurs through 12 thoracic vertebrae. The thoracic spine must rotate and bend to achieve lateral trunk flexion. This position creates abnormal alignment throughout the rest of the spine and surrounding musculature, which, in turn, limits the efficiency of our joints and muscles. 

Drawing a bow with lateral trunk flexion position can exponentially increase stress throughout the spine. Herniated discs, muscle strains, sprains, and fractures are common conditions or injuries that can affect the spine and may be exacerbated by this position of the spine. It is important to maintain a neutral spine while performing repetitive shots to limit the risk of injury. 

9. Narrow base of support

An archer must always establish and maintain a solid base of support when shooting a bow. It is very difficult to maintain accuracy on a target if our feet do not keep us steady and connected to the support surface. If an archer feels off-balance, it can increase tension throughout the body and impair the archer’s focus and confidence with shot placement. 

A narrow base of support requires good balance to maintain the center of gravity in a steady position over the feet. On the other hand, a wider base of support will help connect the archer with the support surface and provide a stable frame to shoot a bow with much-improved accuracy and confidence. An archer’s feet should be in a comfortable position, most commonly a hip-width stance, to maximize accuracy and performance.

It is important to practice shooting in various positions, such as a narrow stance, half kneeling, or crouched, as you will likely encounter these positions on a hunt. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable when shooting your bow will maximize your confidence next hunting season. 

10. Posterior pelvic tilt

Inadequate mobility, hamstring tightness or hyperactivity, and low back muscle weakness can cause an individual to assume a posterior pelvic tilt, which is evident by flattening of the lower back (lumbar spine). This position of the pelvis can increase stress through the lumbar spine and cause symptoms of sciatica or muscle strains. 

Archers whose draw length is too short may assume a posterior pelvic tilt, as they may have to bunch up to get their eye to the peep. If you experience sciatica or low back pain during or after shooting a bow, it may be a good idea to film yourself to check the position of your pelvis and lumbar spine when shooting your bow. 

It is vital for archers to stay active and strengthen their core, hips, and lower leg muscles to help create a solid foundation through the hips. Numerous exercises can help improve postural awareness, reduce back pain, and alleviate sciatica. 

11. Excessive bend in the bow elbow

Excessive bending in the elbow while at full draw can cause forearm and shoulder pain. This position drastically increases the stress throughout the muscles of the bow arm and increases the demands of the forearm and upper arm musculature. It is ideal to have a slight bend in the bow elbow while at full draw. This will allow the bony alignment and muscles of the arm to work together and minimize the abnormal stress through the arm that can be caused by excessive bending in the bow elbow. 

The wrist extensors are located along the lateral forearm and attach just above the elbow on the outside of the upper arm bone (humerus). Lateral epicondylitis is caused by repetitive stress along the lateral forearm, resulting in micro-tears and pain along the lateral elbow where the tendons of forearm muscles attach to the humerus. The three periods of increased stress along the lateral forearm occur when drawing a bow, holding at full draw (if the elbow bends excessively), and with the vibration of the bow after releasing the arrow. 

12. Knee hyperextension

While it may not seem like the knees can affect a bow shot, let’s break it down and take a closer look. The upper body and hips are anchored to the ground through the knees and feet. Any abnormal positioning of the feet and knees can cause a ripple effect throughout the rest of the body. Knee hyperextension often leads to an anteriorly rotated pelvis, which, in turn, causes hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. This abnormal positioning increases the force and stress on ligaments, cartilage, and tendons throughout the lower extremities and lumbar spine, putting the musculoskeletal system at a disadvantage. 

I recommend archers to find an athletic stance or assume a “ready position” to help minimize knee hyperextension. An archer with a more athletic stance, below the level of the hips, will be able to adapt to uneven terrain or alter their shot with increased accuracy. Remember, archers are athletes, so it’s important to fix your technique and find that athletic stance that works for you. 

13. Tilted bow 

A tilted bow can lead to the arrow hitting left or right of the intended target, which can have a significant impact on the success of a bow shot. This may be the difference between a 75 yard or a 1,000 yard blood trail. To avoid this, many sites have a place for a bow level to help provide feedback to the archer and ensure that the bow is level before releasing the arrow. If you consistently miss right or left, even with a bubble level, then it may be necessary to level the site, which can be done at your local bow shop.

In addition to affecting accuracy, tilting the bow can also cause musculoskeletal issues such as abnormal stress on the wrist and awkward positioning of the head and neck, leading to pain and discomfort. Conducting a video analysis of your shot can help you identify any shooting flaws and prevent these issues from occurring. It’s important to prioritize proper form and technique to ensure a successful and comfortable shooting experience. 

14. Poor breathing patterns

Proper breathing patterns can greatly impact an archer’s accuracy and overall shooting experience. Neglecting this aspect can lead to reduced accuracy and tension in the chest and upper body. On the other hand, incorporating correct breathing techniques can help maintain a steady aim, manage stress levels, and keep you in rhythm throughout the shot process. 

Diaphragmatic breathing is a technique that maximizes oxygen uptake, enhances muscle efficiency, reduces heart rate, and improves focus. To practice this method, place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your chest. As you inhale and exhale, you should feel the hand on your stomach raise and lower with each breath, while the hand on your chest remains still. Inhale through your nose for four seconds, feel the hand on your abdomen raise, hold your breath for two seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for six seconds. 

By incorporating diaphragmatic breathing into your shot process, you can improve your performance and stay calm and focused in high-pressure situations, such as when a trophy buck steps out and begins walking in your direction. So don’t overlook the importance of proper breathing techniques in archery – it can make a significant difference in your accuracy and overall success. 

15. Closed stance

A proper shooting stance is essential for archers who want to achieve accuracy and consistency when shooting a bow. Typically, this involves placing the feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to the shooting line. It is not uncommon for archers to have an open or closed stance when shooting a bow, as this is a personal preference. However, a bow hunter may not have an option on which stance to take while hunting. Therefore, it may be a good idea to practice shots with various stances to strengthen muscles, improve balance, and reduce risk of injury when archers are forced to shoot from an abnormal stance. 

In a closed stance for a right-handed release, an archer’s left foot is placed forward in comparison to the right foot. This may require the archer to rotate more through the upper body to locate the target, which can increase the risk of an oblique muscle strain. An archer who experiences flank or mid-back pain may benefit from adjusting their stance and foot position to limit the amount of rotation in their upper body. 

16. Uneven weight distribution through the feet

Maintaining an even weight distribution through the feet is essential for archers to achieve accuracy and consistency when shooting a bow. Any imbalance in weight can lead to instability and affect the archer’s balance, causing the arrow to fly off course and reducing accuracy. 

Leaning too much on one foot increases the weight-bearing through that extremity, potentially leading to joint pain from the excessive weight. Moreover, it can cause the archer to lose their foundation, preventing them from holding a steady aim.

Additionally, archers should ensure that their weight is evenly distributed between the balls and heels of their feet. Increased weight on the toes can exacerbate symptoms of achilles tendinopathy or plantar fasciitis. By maintaining an even weight distribution through the feet, archers can achieve a stable platform to shoot from, improving their accuracy and consistency on the target. 

17. Lateral shift in spine 

Similar to a lateral trunk lean, a lateral shift causes excessive pressure and stress to the thoracic spine. A right lateral shift causes the thoracic spine to rotate left. The asymmetrical alignment of the spine and surrounding structures limits the efficiency of our trunk and upper body and increases the risk of injury. Back pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, facet arthropathy, or muscle spasms are a few conditions that can be secondary to a lateral shift in the spine.  

A lateral shift is commonly seen when the draw length of the bow is too long, forcing the archer to laterally shift their spine to get their eye to the peep. You can identify this faulty shooting form with a video analysis of yourself shooting a bow. The spine should remain in a fairly neutral position to maximize the efficiency of the upper body when shooting a bow. Again, think of the optimal “T” position while at full draw – this can help normalize alignment and technique.

18. Inconsistent anchor points

Achieving consistency in shooting form and technique is essential for archers to achieve success and reduce the risk of injury. One key element of consistency is identifying and using consistent anchor points. Anchor points will vary from person-to-person, but three common anchor points include the hand-to-face, nose-to-string, and string-to-mouth.

These anchor points should be repeatable and comfortable to the archer. 

Inconsistencies in anchor points can impede muscle memory and mental focus, which can negatively affect accuracy. Therefore, archers should strive to maintain consistent anchor points with each shot to maximize performance. 

As you repeat proper form over and over, it will become second nature and you will be able to perform it without even thinking. You will hit all anchor points with low shoulders, a strong back, engaged core, and maximal confidence.

19. Poor release and follow-through

Do not overlook the release and follow-through. The most critical component of a successful archery shot is the release and follow-through. Like any other sport, a proper release and follow-through are essential for maximizing accuracy. There are numerous release aids to choose from, and it is important to use one with which you are most comfortable with. 

A proper release is achieved first by staying calm and maintaining a light grip on the bow while hovering the pin on the target and slowly applying pressure to the release. A good release can be achieved by initiating the release with the big muscles of the shoulder blade and back. As you create this back tension, slowly apply pressure to the release aid until the arrow is smoothly released. This will result in a “surprise release” rather than “punching the trigger” and thus lead to increased accuracy.

The follow-through is critical and requires the archer to remain in the aiming position as the arrow flies to the target. A proper grip will allow the bow to drop forward, as the draw arm will move backward behind the head as the arrow is released. Always maintain the push/pull feeling throughout the entire shot. Try to hold the aiming position until the arrow hits the target. 

Final thoughts

Now that you are aware of the 19 common mistakes in archery form, it is time to record yourself or take photos while drawing and shooting a bow. Most smartphones have excellent cameras that allow you to identify the shooting flaws listed above. Share your video with a fellow hunting buddy and critique each other’s form to fine-tune and maximize your shooting technique. 

Stay healthy and keep shooting!

About the Author

About the Author

Taylor Kuhlmann, PT, DPT, CSCS

Taylor Kuhlmann is a licensed physical therapist in Kansas, a certified strength and conditioning specialist accredited by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the founder of High Caliber Health.

With a passion for guiding hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, Taylor focuses on enhancing their overall health and wellness, enabling them to experience the outdoors with reduced pain and enhanced performance.